Game won't start after first play session.

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New Member
Hey everyone! :)

I've played quite a few matches today, everything seemed fine.
But then I was going to have dinner and closed Legions and when I came back I couldn't launch Legions it is simply saying

''legions has stopped working''

A complete reinstall of the LIVE folder helped, but I find it a bit silly that I have to do that all the time when I am willing to play Legions.
So, I was hoping anyone got a fix for this? (I already checked the common issues)

Thanks in advance!

- Ryan


World Leader of The 21st Century
If the game is minimized into your taskbar and a new map loads it will do this everytime, all you have to do is close the Legions game window and open up a new one from either the launcher or the Legions.exe file. Don't need to reinstall at all. Hope this helps!


shaska's bff
he says that he closed the game so clearly it's an issue with the launcher. i used to have this problem until i turned off windows aero, don't know if it'll work for you


New Member
Hmm, I've tried launching the legions.exe in the live folder itself and that seemed to work fine.
I still need to update every once in a while by running the patcher but I can live with that :)
Thanks everyone :)

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