Friend and Clan List

I guess your working on it already but there should be a friend and clan list. It would benifit as we would be able to know who is on.

When Legions is launched (on your computer, i know it's come out) underneath the play button should be an added button of 'FRIENDS/CLAN'. 2 lists could come up one on top of the other with one being friends and the other being your clan members. to add someone you culd click escape, right click on the player to be added, this will show a dialog box of friend and clan wich you can click to add.

Can we also have an imbox plz? thanks.


There's an inbox in the forums. I don't think you need one in-game. If somebody sends you a message, you will get an email notification to the email that you registered to the forums with. Clan registration is underway, but I don't know about a friends list, so good idea with that one.


Private Tester
+1 for ingame friends/clan list. Just makes it easier to tell which servers friends are playing in.