Flag "fatigue" to prevent rabbiting?


No this system is just bad imo. If you want to stop rabbiting go chase that person down and kill him (aslong as you are the enemy of course). If not leave him/her be.
Eh, if a person is rabbiting on MY team, I just hunt 'em down anyway, especially if they don't bother to cap when the flag is home. Like I always say, rabbits wabbits are always in the season, and the best chasers get to take down the toughest prey.


like the idea
but you could make it easier: if you hold the flag for 60 sec you die :) if you drop and pick it up again you die. you have to wait atleast 15sec to pick it up again, otherwiese you die
if that was sarcasm, kudos. If that wasn't, then you've got to be kidding me.
Anyways, I don't like this idea. Rabbits are going to rabbit, and I may be wrong in this assumption, but its possible that rabbits do their thing because there is poor defense, and they want to stay alive. Also, this doesn't account for cappers that have been stopped by a rocket blast and choose to fight for their life. They don't deserve to lose stamina because they were forced into circumstances that delayed their progress. Also, this will just make rabbits go to a corner of the map, drop the flag, wait for the stamina to return and then go on their merry way. This already happens, you're just making it take longer, but that's not going to solve the problem, it will make it a tiny bit more of a hassle, which most rabbiters really aren't going to care about.


Flatulent Cherub
Don't be rude to MJ, you big bullies. The man really hates 'em Rabbits!

I've always felt that as more content comes into the game (base assets, etc) there'll be less rabbits and more turtles. With that said, one system that might help with rabbits is the 'Grip System'. Originally it was designed to bring an element of US Football into the game (and also nerfing Heavy capping on small maps).

This system was something that I was planning on adding to that old Legions/Tribes4 outline that I had posted in the old-old forums, so some of the concepts (passive items) might only make sense if you read it at some point. However, I do believe the outline's mostly gone the way of the Dinosaur and isn't available anymore. Anyhow, here it is:

*Note: don't confuse this with anything currently in development, this was all part of my own personal 'wish list' and doesn't represent current development. Also, take note, it's incomplete and was a very rough draft (so it's not very detailed and still needed work).

Grip System
After a player picks up the enemy flag and begins to receive damage, he will have to take into consideration his Grip. If his Grip is reduced to zero (by receiving damage or going into Overdrive), the player will fumble and automatically drop the enemy flag. The player can pick up the flag again but at a reduced Grip value, so a second fumble will be likely if he takes minimal damage or tries to OD.

Grip can regenerate on its own, albeit very slowly. However, if the flag is passed to a teammate, the Grip regeneration is vastly increased, and if the enemy player retrieves the flag, the Grip is reset to full strength.

*Flagstand bonus: Applies to any player that has the flag and is near a flagstand. Think of it as a standard bearer bonus, applies to if the player is at the enemy flag stand or his own. Flagstand bonus at his own base would be a boon to HoFs as they won't need to be concerned about their Grip strength as much when they're in spawn. Flagstand bonus is also beneficial to a capper as it allows them to take damage/overdrive after picking up the flag without worrying about their Grip strength being next to nothing as they try to make a getaway home. (Spamming the flagstand to drain Grip against cappers won't be a viable tactic with the FS bonus).

Passive items: Titan's Grip, Increased Grip strength.

Effect on Rabbiting: Likely hamper rabbits as the rabbit tries to solo the flag around the map, receiving damage and losing Grip. Possibly force rabbits into passing to teammates to regain Grip strength/respawn, most likely will just have rabbits die sooner.

Effect on heavy capping: Likely will nerf heavy capping, as they're a big target and rely on insta-OD (which would drain Grip stamina), Heavy cappers will need to rely on effective passing to get the flag away from the enemy.



Much more like it, especially if you add the fall damage. I don't see why spamming the flagstand would be an issue at all if the grip was to be 'frozen' at full when at base/near flagstand (cos IMO that should be implemented, otherwise the chase would get too big of a buff).


Flatulent Cherub
Much more like it, especially if you add the fall damage. I don't see why spamming the flagstand would be an issue at all if the grip was to be 'frozen' at full when at base/near flagstand (cos IMO that should be implemented, otherwise the chase would get too big of a buff).

Yar, I like the Flagstand buff too. My biggest concern about 'fumbling' was what it would mean to HoFs, I like to think the flagstand buff addresses that quite well.

Another system (or variant of the Grip system) was to have Overdrive (and being damaged while in Overdrive, or shortly after) drain 'Grip strength'. Same Flagstand bonus, just that normal damage does not loosen Grip. I kinda preferred this 2nd version (as it was simpler and, imo, easier to understand).


Legions Developer
I think the fall damage is little too much, you can't half pipe anymore on frostbyte without loosing health.. unless they made hill steeper, otherwise i would say the variables are different.


There needs to be people at the base aware enough to flag pass with you.

Bah how many times it happened to me that I tossed the holy Falg to my good teammates and noone even bothered to get it (it was next to them but they didnt even move). Many pub players lack flag awarness, at least in EU.

On topic: Get a good sniper to hunt the rabbits down. Cuz if theres a rabbit out there its hunting season (loads his laser carabine);)


mausgang said:
if that was sarcasm, kudos. If that wasn't, then you've got to be kidding me.
Anyways, I don't like this idea. Rabbits are going to rabbit, and I may be wrong in this assumption, but its possible that rabbits do their thing because there is poor defense, and they want to stay alive. Also, this doesn't account for cappers that have been stopped by a rocket blast and choose to fight for their life. They don't deserve to lose stamina because they were forced into circumstances that delayed their progress. Also, this will just make rabbits go to a corner of the map, drop the flag, wait for the stamina to return and then go on their merry way. This already happens, you're just making it take longer, but that's not going to solve the problem, it will make it a tiny bit more of a hassle, which most rabbiters really aren't going to care about.

it was no sarcasm.
and it's okey to take a round around the map if nobody is in your base where you can pass at.
but there are "players" in pubs who take the flag and keep running circles around the map and not even try to cap the flag. those just destroy the game for everyone, like the guys who passed the flag out of the map every 35sec .... or teamkillers.

why don't kill those retards automaticly after a fair time to find someone to pass the flag?
also, rabbiting is something for the rabbit gameserver (that comes soon hopefully :D) and not for CTF

Braiken said:
Bah how many times it happened to me that I tossed the holy Falg to my good teammates and noone even bothered to get it (it was next to them but they didnt even move). Many pub players lack flag awarness, at least in EU.

that happens not really often if you spam "take the flag from me" or "get the enemy flag" :)


I'm so glad we are addressing this issue about how rabbits are invincible, unstoppable, and leave chasers with no option but to just give up and try new games.


Legions Developer
Rabbits are cute. Because they are cute they are chased after by loads of fans. These fans would pat and soothe the rabbit if they'll ever catch him. But the rabbit has just cleaned his fur and wants to eat his new poley carrot in his privacy. No way the rabbit will let the fans catch him.

Right. Rabbiting is one of them tactics less liked, we all know that. However it is mandatory at times. Especially when there are no friendlies at home to help you and you areo nly being greeted by red triangles.

Rabbiting is not an "I Win" card either. If you survive the chase and your flag is returned, you are most likely far away from your base at that point. While running home there is a good chance that your flag will be regrabbed before you'll ever get there.

Also on the note of "Grief rabbits"... What's so terrible at prelonging the game? Sure it's a tad bit annoying that the objective of the game is running in circles around the map, but good grief wabbits are rare and bad ones easy to catch.

Stop destroying the game with these shitty limitation ideas.

Now if you'll excuse me, the bunnywabbit would like to share his opinnion.

The funny part about all this, is that i've never seen someone rabbit (for a relativily long time) since the return of legions. I don't know if anyone did, but I don't think this is such a huge problem.


test bester
The funny part about all this, is that i've never seen someone rabbit (for a relativily long time) since the return of legions. I don't know if anyone did, but I don't think this is such a huge problem.
Exactly, I have not seen one in a few weeks. And the only time I did saw someone rabbit is when there was no defence and the person was only 20% hp. Then I would to rabbit.


On the small maps (Nivo, Moonshine, Frost, etc.), just have good snipers ready to take those suckers down. As for big maps, we don't have many of those to worry about. We can hunt down the wabbits much more easily in Legions: Overdrive than in the game's predecessor. Some would say Core can create trouble, but it's hell to travel along the sides of that crap field unless you happen to get lightning speed. The Devs also contributed to partially eliminating wabbits by getting rid of Blade Run, Mirage, and Quarry, which did host plenty of dem furry critters. And Chasers - the good ones, at least - have the most fun overall on Zenith, the last "big" map to worry about, so rabbiting (excuse me, WABBITING) shouldn't have to be controlled with some life-draining mechanism.