Fixing Performance Issues: An Example

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King of all Goblins
Another very informative and easily understandable breakdown, combined with a little leak. Nice! ;)

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
Yeah, I noticed the leak, but even so, this just reminded me why I love programming and want to major in it next year (Christmas break and all has prevented me from going to and thinking about my programming class).


Private Tester
As an aspiring game programmer please keep up these Blog posts.... it is helping me soooo much <3 Mabel


Super Special R&D
Perhaps you should submit some more generalized articles to gamedev. A lot of their articles are old and stale.
God, no. Editing his blog post took long enough, but a whole book? Kill me now.
I suspected this post had been an edit :p
I'm curious to what the original would have been like. :D

All the same, Thanks for this super-informative blog post.
I feel a bit like when I was younger and doing grade 1 piano, taking a peek at a bit of Chopin, but even if I don't understand the way the code works yet, the insight into the methodology behind bug fixing is very welcome, and very very awesome. :D
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