Dueling, or defensive play?

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Hey everyone, I was wondering where the line was between dueling and normal gameplay. I just got put into time-out for the first time after playing for over a year, after only three respawns & the first 2 minutes of gameplay. My first 2 lives I went for the flag, only to find heavy resistance at the enemy base, so I decided to play defensively by hanging out mid-map and try to take out anyone on their way to snake our flag. The first one to come, (my third respawn of the game), I shot at, missed, and kept firing at them. A second later, I was in time out. When I asked why, I was told by (spek)dab that it was because I was dueling on a CTF server. I had just picked someone out at random and tried to stop them from getting to my base so they couldn't cap. Isn't that a part of defensive play? What difference would it have made if I were sitting on one of my bases towers and did the same thing? Would that have been ok, or is that considered dueling also?


Private Tester
My friend, I was in the game, sorry to say but you were dueling with another player... Please take care! Oh, also: dont disturb CTF games dueling with your friends, you just ruin your teams gameplay! You must have respect for the other players....


Legions Developer
The thing about having a small community, is that players that get caught out in a stupid long duel then get detracted from flag play. This means that the players actively engaged in the overall game are lowered by 2. This wouldn't be a problem if our servers actually reached full capacity, but since they do not, I try to keep as many players focused on the game as possible so we can have a proper CTF pub. Once you have got the player to stop, mid-base, this is enough to disrupt them. Then you can respawn and help your team once again.


Legions Developer
A couple things:
  • Midfield is legit and was very common in similar games (i.e. Tribes)
  • If you really are just dueling, it's not a huge problem unless the server is full and people are trying to get in, or you're inadvertently hitting/disrupting your teammates
I wasn't there though so I don't know what the situation was. Generally speaking if you want to duel, just go find an empty server.
I was only in game for 2 minutes. I don't even know the name of who I was "dueling" with, so I can assure you it wasn't my friend. I know the difference between a CTF and a dueling server, and respect other players gameplay. I noticed stefygraf in game also, and honestly don't understand how you came to your conclusion, But by seeing how fast dab replied, I'd have to say you 2 are friends, and you are just backing him up. I know how much you have done for this game stefy, and I respect and appreciate all of your efforts. I also know how much clout you have with the Devs, so needless to say, any negative input from you can give someone a bad rep. I've read the forum posts for over a year now, and have seen threats of being banned to players for the conduct you are accusing me of. A little more honesty would be greatly appreciated. I like this game too much to disrespect other players in-game, or to be banned becuse a well liked player made a false claim against me... if the truth hurts, it's time to change. Thanx.


Although it depends on the reality of what actually happened. You were put in time-out, it's not a ban! It's just a simple cautionary measure. I doubt anyone is going to ban you for what you were doing if it is as you explained.


Test Lead
Dueling implies 2 people purposefully going at it while ignoring everything else about the game. I hate it when people duel in a pub and usually tell them to stop. If you were simply firing at people coming across mid I'd say the time-out was unjustified. As Bugs said, playing mid is a legit strategy. Rare, but legit.


Private Tester
Well Mr. problems solved, but I want to point out:
-I did nothing for this game, dev team is responsable for everything you see...
-devs dont care what I say
-yes, dabbleh is my friend, but im never going to back him up for no good reason
-Im a sexy voice! thats all!

Thanks for having such a good opinion about me and all, but Im really a big asshole of this game xD. With that said, its not a big deal to get timed out, means that the admin is trying to tell you something important etc etc! Pay attention next time Subzero(or whatever your nickname is in-game). Lock


Wait....You were...dueling....an enemy? And got punished for it? Got punished for killing cappers and taking control of enemy traffic? What is this insanity? Is this common? My god, so many questions. I'm so glad you EUs admin don't have admin in US also, US admins understand gameplay.

And stefy, I think you're downplaying this. Saying, "oh, it's just a time out, no biggie" is just plain wrong. He got punished for doing something that is justifiable, it's like getting a fine for DUI, but you didn't drink and drive. It's a mistake, and mistakes need to be pointed out and corrected.


EU admins are not bad or anything; they have a higher standard of a good legions game. Whenever I see Americans playing on EU servers they're duelling in game (unless they're not pubzors). We are having fun on EU servers once there's more people and we don't like losing that fun.


Private Tester
It's nowhere near a DUI thing...what? lol... ok

Timeout is a tiny thing. Now I don't know the context, but if he was trying to just midfield and another person kept coming back to duel him/try to kill him, and it wasn't an organized thing, then that's just gameplay. Not everyone is super PTFO elite. American vs EU is just stupid...idk why people bring it up. Or insult each other when it comes to something this minor. Nobody's perfect.

Also, punishment for two (no offense) not really good players for having a long duel wherever they are is ridiculous. They don't have the skill to keep a duel short. Let them be. You can't control people's actions in pubs to make it what you want, which apparently is a really good game of legions. Those don't happen in pubs like they do in pugs. Public games are pretty much people doing what they want as long as it isn't rule-breaking.


World Leader of The 21st Century
Playing midfield, as Bugs said is totally legit.

As long as you're not being the guy who goes "Hey Jord, duel me." and then attempts to duel me all game in a near full pub you shouldn't be punished. However if you are that guy a timeout is justified.

Do you know who the Admin was that put you in Time Out? (Or if said admin could PM me, that would be great.)
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