DH: Mechanized Assault Vehicle Kickstarter


New Member
Hello everyone,

Max Gaming Technologies has launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to help us finish the game in a timely manner as well as offer even more new content and ports under the stretch goals. So you can now vote with your wallet on helping get Mechanized Assault Vehicle finished and on your favorite platform. Check out the rewards section because you can get special prizes for contributing certain amounts of money. At the $25 Pledge level and up we will give you a free copy of the game when it goes up for sale as well. There are also higher pledge levels with limited slots for tshirts, 3d models of your favorite MAV layouts, and other goodies.

Dark Horizons: Mechanized Assault Vehicle is the successor to Dark Horizons: Lore and Lore: Aftermath. You can learn more about the game at http://www.playmech.com You can also join in on our current gameplay testing by joining the tester program at http://www.playmech.com/Beta

Check us out and pass our kickstarter link around to your friends. We appreciate any support you can give.
