Bugs, which i had/found


New Member
Hello there:

The following Bugs/Differences I found/had:

- Legions crashed when I closed the Game (everytime)
Fullscreen, Window-Fullscreen and Window Mode when i close it over menu and alt+f4

- The US Servers are more laggy for me as EU Player
on Instant Action just the Ping was high, but now i'm warping from time to time
Ping 120-139
on IA Servers 105-130

- Grabsound was missing sometimes.
Only when in Standoff especially when some more sounds are playing and/or the flag gots allready catched and dropped again in the last 10-20 secs

- Flag "hand" was sometimes over 10 seconds mising (this sucks in combination with grabsound miss)
especially when i dropped it myself before

- Rocketjump is not working: less damage and boost.
- Spectator Spawn Point is below the Map
- The GUI outside the Servers were not working well in windowmode in fullscreen:
My Resolution 1920:1080
In the Optionsmenu the left arrow script of fov is at the position of the right one and the right one 40-60 px more to right.
after minimize this problem is fixed.
Perhaps a bigger delay is needed between the resolution change and the coords update to solve the problem.
- Mousesensitivity is much different from the old Legions and is not very comfortable:
I use a Microsoft Sidewinder X8 Mouse, on Windows based programms I use a dpi of 500, in games especially shooters i use the full 4000 dpi.
Normally all Games with a true fullscreen mode use the same mouse sensitivity for ingame and the Game Menu.... but on Legions I have to change my mouse dpi to 500 when I want to change Team or Class, because I cant handle my mouse with my actual sensitivity :)

This is not really a problem for users of casual mouses, but for all with a e-Sports or Gaming Mouse will perhaps have with this.

Positive Factor:
I got more frames in all modes against IA

I Hope this can help you.



New Member
Yeah A2, i can play, thats not the problem but the GUI when I press ESC is hard to handle the cursor with 4000 dpi.

additional bug i found:

For Users with 2 or more Soundcards:
On change and backchange the primary soundcard the prefs got bugged, from:

$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume1 = 0.8;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume2 = 0.8;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume3 = 0.45;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume4 = 0.5;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume5 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume6 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume7 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume8 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::Device = "Headset (Playback) (3- Creative USB Headset)";
$Pref::Sfx::MasterVolume = 0.8;
$Pref::Sfx::maxSoftwareBuffers = -1;
$Pref::Sfx::provider = "FMod";
$Pref::Sfx::UseHardware = "1";


$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume1 = 0.8;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume2 = 0.8;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume3 = 0.45;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume4 = 0.5;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume5 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume6 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume7 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::ChannelVolume8 = 0;
$Pref::Sfx::Device = "";
$Pref::Sfx::MasterVolume = 0.8;
$Pref::Sfx::maxSoftwareBuffers = -1;
$Pref::Sfx::provider = "";
$Pref::Sfx::UseHardware = "0";

I tryed some different settings which i had in buccaneer, but nothing worked, I had to redownload/install Legions to solve this problem.

Additional Info: Much Gamers are using 2 Soundcards, one for their speakers and one in their USB Headset.

Because my Crashes on exit, here my console.log:

Game Crashed after the following:
- Map Change was initiated
- I tabed out of the game to check mails
- I tryed to tab back to the game and it closed by critical error.

console.log: http://in7.eu/hill/legions/console2.log