BCBF2 or Orange Box?


I've been saving up for the last few weeks to buy BCBF2, but I've just recently discovered that there was a The Orange Box in a game store near my home and I'm torn between the two.

I heard that BCBF2 was a good game and had a decent multiplayer (compared to CoD Blops, I guess) and I've been dying to play a regular shooter that isn't a decade old (*cough*halo*cough*), but The Orange Box holds several games that I've also wanted to buy for a long time.

I'm curious about which I would buy since both have their pros and cons and I want something that would keep me entertained for the next 3-4 months or so (other than Legions and Minecraft) when I start pulling my hair out when mid-terms start.

So...there. I guess. :|

P.S. If anybody wants to asks 'Why not just buy it Steam?', I couldn't, or at least, I couldn't without feeling bad at myself for getting my parents to buy games for myself (my mum has an unflattering opinion on fps and such games; she is addicted on Angry Birds, though), so I save up my money to buy a game on a store so that I wouldn't have any protests whether I could get it or not.


BFBC2 would've been a must buy if it were last year or something :p
Go for The Orange Box.

pro-tip - save up for BF3


Warrior of Linux
Orange box will mean that you'll get more long-term satisfaction than bfbc2, and it seems you have games in there that you wanted to buy for a long time, so go for it!


portal is fun but doesnt last long at all, i wasnt a big fan of half life 2 but probably because i have gotten bored of those types of games (i loved half live 1) but if ur newb then youll probably really enjoy it and its a fairly long campaign

the main thing is TF2 which is a great game and lots of fun

So I'd definitely choose Orange box if I were you