

This is something that I wouldn't expect to happen for a long time, but probably my favorite and most underplayed game mode from TV (Tribes Vengeance) has to be ball. When you had a good enough group playing, following a very small rule set (No deps and respawn after each goal) it was some of the best times I ever had playing.

Obviously, without use of a grappler, the game would play differently, but I think would still be worth a try. There would of course be the two goals, the ball which had to be picked up, and the fire button would throw it. You could hold down the fire button to charge your throw, much like a flag toss or grenade. For legions, the ball could maybe even take the place of the flag, so that it was tossed separately while you still had use of your weapons. And it could be set to, after each goal everyone respawned.

I think legions is a great place for ball because I think passing would be utilized more, and the high speed play has already added a great deal of fun and competition to both CTF and TDM, why not to this?
