

New Member
i thought of a semi-sphere like arena,which whould be included in newer maps.this idea is coming from, that in a game u allways find people who starts duelling/team killing.and the arena ,positioned on the far side of the map, would be a place where they can go there duelling ,and not ruin a game.
also once they enter there,they should be placed out of the teams automaticly,so teams can get balanced again.
now about the arena
i thought that if it would be a bit more then a semi-sphere,like 60% of a sphere so u can use it as a halfpipe but throw you a bit to the other side.

what you think?


There's going to be multiple game modes, I'm assuming DM and TDM will be returning therefor there is no real point in messing up preexisting maps. People that play CTF just to duel/tk shouldn't bother playing in the first place.


Private Tester
Having a specific location on the map that pulls you out of the "CTF" portion of the game is the sort of thing that's just BEGGING for abuse, and consequently, is doubtfully feasible. Pubs are pubs and will remain eternally thus, but once we get Arena and DM gametypes in and servers up, the problem should hopefully lessen. If folks have a place to go to scratch that dueling itch, they hopefully won't disrupt CTF play as much.

As far as map design is concerned, while it can be difficult, it's certainly not impossible to create maps that are epic in CTF, Arena, Duels, or TDM; it's all about creating enough locations on the map that are awesome duel sites while still being fully integrated into the CTF gameplay. If you've got one map that works equally well across gametypes, you've got more variety per type.