Another new game type: Offense vs Defense CTF


I've ran into this scenario more than once on CTF servers: One side keeps winning because other team has 2 cappers at max and little to no chasers. So why not make the best of it?

Offense vs Defense CTF concept:
- Game is broken down into 10 stages, each stage lasts 2 ½ minutes or until
a) Offense makes successful cap
b) Defense rebukes Offense (kills all Offense & cappers within certain radius) and/or returns flag 5 times
- At end of stage, one side gets a point, based on how well they did. If Offense is still in middle of capping, time gets extended based on how close they are to capping (to prevent rabbiting). If Offense fails to cap within overtime/Defense manages to kill capper point goes to Defense automatically.
- At end of each stage, teams get reversed, ie. Offense switches to Defense and vice versa.
- EGrab is disallowed, so is rabbiting: This is so neither side would abuse stalling tactics.
- Team with most points after all stages win, in case of tie there'd be Overtime Round to determine winner.


That's actually quite a nice idea to be honest, on training sessions at F.E we regularly have offence vs defence matches.

I'd really like it if this could be a game mode rather than turning a ctf server into a offence vs defence server.


I like the idea, SourceForts had something similar but Defense time was called build time and you built walls ect.
But like baconator said a game type like this in a pub would probably be a horrible idea.


Old man
In Tribes we had so called "Drinkers mod" which provided tools for clans to practise all sort of things, like if you place a beacon on certain spot you could respawn on that location. Cappers could place it on the hill where they would usually start their route etc. This kind of mod would be great for clan practises, but then again, they can do it without it too so idk what kind of use it would be for those. As a pub mod it would require more from the people, but it could work and be interesting.

At this point all I want is the rabbit mod to come back and nothing else. :(


So anybody who grabs slower than 88 m/s gets insta-killed by server? Me GUSTA!
You missed the point, what I ment was Offense can't EGrab (or grab flag at all) to prevent capper, otherwise Offense would always stack on enemy base and toss flag away from stand. Likewise rabbiting would be prohibited, as it's too effective "stalling" tactic (ughh, I hate referring Rabbiting as tactic...). Nobody wants to see stalling when each stage lasts 2½ mins at max.

What I had in mind was fast paced O vs D gametype that enforces active teamplay and quick reactions from both sides, not some standoff/llamacapfest.