Anonymous Claims They Will Release ‘The Interview’ Themselves In This New Series Of Tweets


Flatulent Cherub
I dunno, it's definitely a black mark for Sony. It wasn't too long ago that they had their PSN breached.

Here's the thing: there's a part of Seymour that believes this is all manipulated by a master troll. Somebody who used the North Korean threats against The Interview being released as a cover to hack Sony and release the information. North Korea looks like the prime suspect (the hacker anticipating that NK would either take responsibility or go for a no comment route), and then after the drama's played out for a bit with an official response from the US (or other country) promising sanctions or other response to the attacks, the hacker shuts down North Korea's network infrastructure. All in the hopes for NK to respond with their military inciting war (believing it was the country promising repercussions). Now that would make for some epic trolling! Hohohoho!

As for the movie itself, I was looking forward to it. I like Seth Rogen's brand of silliness.


World Leader of The 21st Century
Well Anonymoose doesn't have to do anything. Sony is going ahead with limited releases of the movie for theatres that want to air it. Sauce.