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  1. Wingedflame1

    Why I can't stop playing legions.

    that would definitely explain alot of things. but i agree, i really enjoy how the freedom of movement aspect of Legions really gets you into how shooters should be played for more excitement (including how damage output is done. now you can actually kill someone after they sprayed at your back)
  2. Wingedflame1

    Getting good with the CG

    yep yep. chain sniping legit laser snipers from 2/3 a map away was always a fun thing to do. it was incredibly cheap b/c - -gave infinate ammo -gave perfect accuracy glad it was removed, but it was fun while it lasted
  3. Wingedflame1

    Crash when Joining (yes i have read the sticked thread)

    ah, sorry about that. i just tried joining a game again right after you said "show console", and when i tried this time, it worked, but it was horrendously laggy........ (which probably erased last night's console) i think what might have happened to crash it was that last night i had a...
  4. Wingedflame1

    Crash when Joining (yes i have read the sticked thread)

  5. Wingedflame1

    Crash when Joining (yes i have read the sticked thread)

    it crashed on all servers, yes. and the above were the only "error" codes i could find
  6. Wingedflame1

    Crash when Joining (yes i have read the sticked thread)

    ok, so as said in the title, i have read the stickied thread, and it said "to restart once" or "redownload it all again" or "your computer has inssuficient programs to run this" i have tried both 1 & 2, but im not sure about 3. i think i SHOULD have the right programs, as the game was working...
  7. Wingedflame1

    Download Abandoned's Weapon Skins

    yeah. the RL looks kinda techno with its light colour like its glowing :P yay CG!
  8. Wingedflame1

    Requesting simple projectiles and NO sound for clusters.

    also, do you know why cluster fragments just stay in a clump after being released right when it hits a wall? O-o (ball of fire! :D)
  9. Wingedflame1

    Requesting simple projectiles and NO sound for clusters.

    it'd be cool to have GL cluster varients, like wide-spread, close spread, and regular. or high damage fragments, but few particles, or much more particles, but significantly less damage.
  10. Wingedflame1

    Acid gun.

    i think its more like, anything effective in O, is several times more effective when switched to D. (like frags) but i think that acid gun would be too d-oriented (slowing down)
  11. Wingedflame1

    The Sniper Thread

    i say sniper is one of the upper-tier, yet is also the hardest weapon to learn to use at times. sure its powerful and effective, but it takes lots of PRACTICE to know WHEN and HOW to snipe effectively. it probably has the steepest learning curve to use it out of all the other weapons. also...
  12. Wingedflame1

    (PREVIEW) Skin Set

    Edit your original post and add the links in for easy access :D (then delete this post later)^ also, sweet looking rets :D ps, no sniper love? D:
  13. Wingedflame1

    An In-Depth Analysis on Positions

    this is pretty awesome looking, but the one flaw i see in it is that it requires a good sniper (myself, i cant snipe at all :D) personally, i'd like to see other positions using different units PS. I dont get how the Snapper works. is it just a regular Cap + sniping the chasers going at you...
  14. Wingedflame1

    Promethus Deathmatch

    imagine if that thing tried to OD a target.......
  15. Wingedflame1

    Environmental Map Sound Effects

    yeah, the maps need more realism to the, :D *hears volcanic eruptions in core from the flares*
  16. Wingedflame1

    Elegiac and Skybolt Updates

    whaa? D: even LOWER splash damage? now THAT will cause some problems o.o (probably not, but w/e :3)
  17. Wingedflame1

    new modding

    now turn them into hearts >: D
  18. Wingedflame1

    new modding

    sounds exciting :D try making the bolts explode out hearts when they hit something >:D