Recent content by Hotel Soap

  1. Hotel Soap

    L:O for Linux and Mac!

    I the the Direct x problem but how can i fix it if I'm running through PlayOnMac?
  2. Hotel Soap

    Signature Gallery

  3. Hotel Soap

    Players Looking for a Clan

    Age: 15. Experience: 2 years of legions Clan Experience: A little. Just not enough active people that cared. Communication: Ts and mike Gametypes: CTF PUG/PUB: Both and PUGs. Average amount.(on different accounts if you don't recognize me) CTF Position: Chaser. Played a bit of HOF. What I'm...
  4. Hotel Soap

    Mac Support?

    "isn't impossible like it was on InstantAction" I played on a mac with instant action. What are you talking about. I ran like 125 fps too? Anyhow I'll be looking into options and studying this up. *edit* Is it run as a universal binary?
  5. Hotel Soap

    Mac Support?

    I know there are many players who run on a Mac. I know We just want the game up, but this community is great so, I think we need a section for this to talk and work at porting it over to Mac. I know a couple people who have had expierence with this and maybe i could get something going!