Recent content by Haptic

  1. Haptic

    The Chronicles of Rick Roll

    Post your response.
  2. Haptic

    I am back :(

    Sorry to hear about that.
  3. Haptic

    This Might Just Brighten Up Your Day

  4. Haptic

    First look: Battlefield 3

    Yes, I have. I own it for my Xbox. It is extremely fun and well done but it's just not my style of FPS. I like the Strategic FPS's but I'm more of a fan of the Run and Gun type.
  5. Haptic

    Currently Listening To...

    ^ They have awesome music and remixes. Check them out. (The Glitch Mob)
  6. Haptic

    First look: Battlefield 3

    Was never really into Battlefields. More a fan of the CoDs. Not a big fan of the wide-scale battlefield games.
  7. Haptic

    Download [RELEASE] LrX - A Laser Rifle Package

    Did you set it read only?
  8. Haptic

    Alias and Smurf tracker thread

    d vice Device bamf.
  9. Haptic

    Download [RELEASE] LrX - A Laser Rifle Package

    Lightsaber sounds. Found out the burn sound also changes the sound of the explosive of a hand grenade.
  10. Haptic

    Votes on players who have improved

    Pilotkiwi RisingSun
  11. Haptic

    Download [RELEASE] LrX - A Laser Rifle Package

    Here: Sounds Just the Shot and Burn (idk what that is) sounds. The others aren't really used much since it isn't a charge sniper anymore. (besides the out of ammo sound that used to be the "done charging" sound). Place the contents in "\live\legions\data\sound\weapons\LaserRifle". Overwrite the...
  12. Haptic

    Download [RELEASE] LrX - A Laser Rifle Package

    Maybe not the rocket or nade. But the chaingun, yes.
  13. Haptic

    Download [RELEASE] LrX - A Laser Rifle Package

    I could help if you want.
  14. Haptic

    Download [RELEASE] LrX - A Laser Rifle Package

    You should make a complete set of rets of that style. Not as big though
  15. Haptic

    Post your pictures here!

    From a while ago. I'm the one in the front.