what are you watching right now?


I <3 my avatar they are litterally my sponsorers they reely sponsor m. thes picture is impossible to find on the internet (unless the stupid person ho made this posted it on the internet (he might hav) ) i paid for them to make this picture just for this website

why is this a poll? :eek:

well y not? lol


dacil not that the avatar ur using is bad but i wud change it bak 2 the heart on the fingers
you mean my heart on my lips? lol i didn't have a pic with heart on fingers

edit: this one ?....it does sorta look like fingers now that you mention it.... STRANGE


I <3 my avatar they are litterally my sponsorers they reely sponsor m. thes picture is impossible to find on the internet (unless the stupid person ho made this posted it on the internet (he might hav) ) i paid for them to make this picture just for this website

well y not? lol


I paid jackie chan to draw a picture of jackie chan just for this website.