TDM - Elimination.

I think it's self explanitory.
First team to wipe the other one out wins.
Once you die, you don't come back to life until the next round.
When joining mid-game, you have to wait until the next round

Incentives :
-If you have killed the most during a round, you get an extra 20 points.
-If you have killed the most during a game, you automatically get the pride of winning. If that doesn't satisfy you, well go screw yourself ;)
-If you have the most TK's in a round, you have Seymour descend upon you and take away one of your future or currently born babies. Or you won't participate in the next round. To keep this from being from accidental kills, your number of TK's has to be over 3.

It's also possible to have an X number of lives if the game type could be modified a little ;)