is there only1bravo?


Private Tester
Ran into the show below on youtube and it looked interesting so I watched it. It didn't hold my interest for very long, but there was something interesting at 0:45... That has to be only1bravo right? I mean I was under the assumption that there was only1, therefore that person must be him. It would be great if bravo could confirm this, or if anybody knows him irl. I checked the "legions players photos database" and he wasn't in it.

Unless someone can give me some definitive proof I will live on under the assumption that bravo left legions to become a reality tv star**.

**spoiler alert**
He get's kicked off the show in the first episode


Legions Developer
"This means I don't have to find a job for a long time." Dear god, what a lazy *dancing* ass.


Private Tester