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  1. MJ1284

    Song suggestions for montage

    Just posted these on "Currently listening" topic, but whatever. These could work VERY nicely with some wonky editing magic:
  2. MJ1284

    Currently Listening To...

    Found a new electro artist recently, though I'd share these:
  3. MJ1284

    what are you watching right now?

  4. MJ1284

    Currently Listening To...

  5. MJ1284

    SOPA 3.0?

    Grab yer pitchforks and torches:
  6. MJ1284

    what are you watching right now?

  7. MJ1284

    Currently Listening To...

  8. MJ1284

    Legions Weekend - Trying to Attract Players from T:A

    Welp, guess now would be great time to bring back MaPuBaRe & RiP to ruin it for everyone :P I'll make it even better, I'll come back just so I can Sentinel insta-OD cap on Nivo & Moonshine 24/7 (don't tell me this horrendous mechanic & horrendous maps still exists in this game?) On a more...
  9. MJ1284

    New Game - MIDAIR

    Just throwing this out here: Change your game title to something else, lest you might end up with copyright infringements.
  10. MJ1284

    I'm back =)

    ... who the heck are you?
  11. MJ1284

    A pretty long mortar MA..

    Just wait for next Tribes title, Ascend ain't worth it anymore. Still, if you (or anyone else reading the thread) wanna give it a shot I have unused Gold voucher I won from a competition while ago, just PM me here or in YouTube and I'll pass it on. EDIT: Sent code to stefy, but IIRC they...
  12. MJ1284

    A General Guide on How to Cap

    But how do I get wings?
  13. MJ1284

    A pretty long mortar MA..

    Pfft. THIS is how you use a mortar: No, I'm not playing T:A anymore. Just posting this fer shizzle and giggles.
  14. MJ1284

    what are you watching right now?

    We've all been in this position at least once in a lifetime:
  15. MJ1284

    what are you watching right now?

  16. MJ1284

    Currently Listening To...

  17. MJ1284

    Legions capping, skill and other videos

    *In Legions forums* Everyone: BLARRRGH Everything is underpowered! *Meanwhile in T:A forums* Everyone: BLARRRGH Everything is OP as *Dance*! Oh btw, I stopped playing T:A in case anyone wanted to know. I'll probably move on to Project Free Fall once it gets past Beta phase (dunno if it...
  18. MJ1284

    Relationship Breakups?

  19. MJ1284

    Currently Listening To...

  20. MJ1284

    what are you watching right now?
