Vote to change maps

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New Member
This is probably already in the development cycle somewhere, but I figure an attempt to bring it closer to implementation sooner rather than later doesn't hurt.

Can we get a simple vote system in place to change maps? A minor degree of control over the servers would be really nice. Several times I've found I wanted to hop on to a server to try routes on a particular map (or practice dueling with friends, or whatever) and I just had to hope that the particular map I wanted was currently active somewhere. It can be pretty frustrating when you want to practice routes on Zenith and all the servers are stuck on Moonshine, with no way of changing them.

I think the map rotation is large enough to warrant this, especially with the way that certain maps don't come into rotation unless the player count is high enough (this IS how it works, right? correct me if I'm wrong). It would obviously also be great for PUGs or scrims.


edit: Derp, I just saw the other thread. Well, regardless, consider this one more vote for making server admin controls a priority. :)


Flatulent Cherub
Duplicate topic, but a good suggestion nonetheless. Locked.

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