Download TorqueScript Notepad++ Style Plugin

Volt Cruelerz

Legions Developer
The following is a style I created for Notepad++ to work better with TS for those of us that don't have Torsion (which costs 40 bucks). It autodetects the .cs, .gui, and .mis files commonly used for Legions as well as things such as syntax highlighting. The style itself is in XML so you could modify it directly if you want to or you can feel free to modify it via the GUI in N++ itself.

To use it, simply download it somewhere (doesn't really matter where so long as it's not a temp folder) and then go into N++ and go to View>User-Defined Dialog. Then, simply press "Import," and find the download. Once you open it, it should be a selectable language and should also be the default for .gui, .mis, and possibly .cs.



Test Lead
I don't script, but this sounds lovely for coders. I've used Notepad++ for a while and it's a pretty good little program.