Stefygraff map section


Private Tester
With all the rabbit mod fiesta, I made a quick rabbit map: Selenar

Link (mediafire, no hates me!)

Pics(skybox is something from Defender ithink):



Private Tester
!!!!! UPDATE! Here is the buggar(ithink)
new Item() {
      canSaveDynamicFields = "1";
      Enabled = "1";
      position = "-110.897 52.1837 176.129";
      rotation = "0 0 1 51.6784";
      scale = "1 1 1";
      doDistanceFade = "1";
      startFadeDistance = "500";
      endFadeDistance = "500";
      blockExplosionDamage = "0";
      teamIndex = "-1";
      dataBlock = "Flag";
      sensorDetectPlayersOnly = "0";
      targetOnlyLocallyVisible = "0";
      collideable = "0";
      static = "1";
      rotate = "0";
      rotate2 = "0";
        dropTime = "859723";
        wasPickedUp = "0";

deleted that part, should work now. Replace Selenar.mis file with the new one. Any issues will be fixed asap.


Private Tester
Teaser Update!
Now that public test is out and you all know CNC gameplay looks, I can show a little teaser of my WIP map Colony(not going to be the real name of the map after its done!)

Map has 2 Base assets outside and 3 underground(that you can reach by using tunnels!)
There will be 2 more + Alpha and beta capture points.

There are still a lot of things to do on the map, but cant work on it atm, out of town until Friday

Full gallery here



Private Tester
Hi again! So i did throw some time into making this CNC map, now that its ”close to decent” im hoping to recive some feedback on it, so im going to post a link of Colony 1.0...

DOWNLOAD LINK (mediafire)

Warning! You can play the map only on the Public Test version!!! so please extract the folder into your Public Test version of Legions. If you dont have it yet, open up the Legions Launcher and select ”Public Test” for update!!!

Before you can actually create a game with the map, you must first add everything you need to: server/preferences/config
You just need to add the following lines:

$Host::Mission["Colony", "CNC"] = 29;


$Host::Maps::MissionFile[29] = $MissionPath @ "Colony.mis";
$Host::Maps::Weight[29] = 1.0;
$Host::Maps::MinPlayers[29] = 0;
$Host::Maps::MaxPlayers[29] = 24;

(make sure you add them on the right lines!)
Thats about it, if you have any questions ask! Please bring back feedback too!

EDIT: Thanks to Xzanth we have a custom server working with the map