Questions about camera FoV


I went ahead and tried out the full-screen option in the options tab, but I'm getting a lot of distortion around the edges with fov defaulted at 90 degrees. I tried a couple of different option, but really can't see much improvement in the distortion, so can anybody else help me out here? I'm using a 1366x768 screen with the same resolution in game.


Warrior of Linux
That's a very odd resolution you have there. I would try sticking to a more common default, as that would probably fix the distortion.


Test Lead
That's actually the same resolution as me. I'm not really sure what you mean by distortions though. I changed my FOV to like 120 or something and it seems alright.


Ill try to bring up some screen-shots, but its not really apparent until you start moving the screen. and 120? mine maxes out at 115.
nevermind. seems that my my fov changes didnt take place until restarting the game, which i never did. 115 works out fine, so theres that problem resolved. Thanks for the fov suggestion, fixious.


Test Lead
(I think) You can have a max of 130 FOV if you manually edit your prefs file.

I didn't even know you could change it in-game.
