losing weapons, chat, and suicide after lag spikes


Private Tester
today is the first time i've experienced this and it has happened twice today while i've been playing normally.

what happens is every once in a while after i recover from one of the large lag spikes that a lot of people seem to be having, i seemingly "lose" all my weapons except the one i was using (ex. i'm in gunner, using rockets before the spike, and post spike there is no way to switch to chain or gl)
i also lose the ability to chat, i'm able to type things in but they don't send and nobody can see them. i also lose the ability to suicide, either by clicking the respawn button in the game menu or by my bound suicide button.
upon being killed or killing myself with rockets or overdrive, i continue to respawn with only 1 gun, and it's always the #1 gun for the loadout (ex. cg for gunner).

the only way i've found to get rid of this bug is to restart the game