'LGC Drug Use'


Excellent! All we need to do now is arrest and fine anyone who goes to a club for substance abuse, and then we'll be out of the economic poophole in no time!


they're not making a news story because it affected the night of a random brit. they're making a news story because children are being given permission by adults to do utterly illegal activities on public property. if the world revolved around dubstep fans we'd all be dead.


Legions Developer
they're not making a news story because it affected the night of a random brit. they're making a news story because children are being given permission by adults to do utterly illegal activities on public property. if the world revolved around dubstep fans we'd all be dead.
Given permission? Did you LISTEN to their statement? Jesus.


Legions Developer
they allowed it to happen. why were 14-year-olds in an over-16 venue?
No they didn't I was there they chucked everyone out who even looked a bit drunk. They can only search people so far, if they did it any more we'd be queuing all night. Then people would complain about that. For a pretty rough part of London, It'd say it was pretty tame in there.. lol


they allowed it to happen. why were 14-year-olds in an over-16 venue?
Anak its HELLUVA hard to stop underage kids/ drugs from getting into a club. Also all of it has NOTHING to do with dubstep and vaguely related to club's responsibility.
Anak its HELLUVA hard to stop underage kids/ drugs from getting into a club. Also all of it has NOTHING to do with dubstep and vaguely related to club's responsibility.
I'm not REALLY sure but it might be just me that can recognize some one is under age and might be a 14/16 years old, and then ask him for his ID.


I'm not REALLY sure but it might be just me that can recognize some one is under age and might be a 14/16 years old, and then ask him for his ID.
I've been going to 21+ clubs back when I was just 17. Fake IDs are really easy to make and even easier to buy in the UK. And Dabb is right: nobody looks their age when they go clubbing.
Inb4 'Propkid doing illegal crap in clubs!'. Hella boring places.