Ghost option?

I was in-game today, & noticed a player was semi-transparent, & also noticed after a barrage of missiles as well as CG rounds, the player took no damage. I looked into Loadouts, but found no new options available. Anyone have any input on this? Is it a new Mod that's being tested?


Test Lead
What server? Sorta sounds like an admin summoned Prometheus, but as far as I know he doesn't have semi-transparent skin.
It was on Hotswap CTF, playing on the Winter Melt map.

E.T. Shady was the "ghost", and when I asked him when Legions' got cheats, he replied "Yesterday".

What's the purpose of the repli-bot that doesn't die?

What I'm talking about went on for most of the game.
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There where two players for

ex: I might be playing and there's another bot of me but its invisible you can see name tag and all of that too. It can take damage but it doesnt die and it moves like a regular bot does (just doesnt jet)

It was on Hotswap CTF, playing on the Winter Melt map.
Its not only Winter Melt it was on SleepWalker too
Whenever you'd die with shield core up, or at least this is when I noticed it, you'd be unable to respawn and your player will disappear. Your reticle will still be there. I was able to throw nades and switch weapons but could not fire. I had to leave and rejoin, after which the "ghost" remained.


Test Lead
This is an old bug, apparently. Odd that it crept back up, then again we did just change Shield a bit. For now, if you experience this bug, just switch teams then back again. You should be able to respawn normally. Pop will take a closer look at this in a bit.


I am guessing it could maybe be in the,
function PlayerData::damage( %this, %obj, %sourceObject, %position, %damage, %damageType, %sourceStats )

if(%obj.core.longname $= "Shield" || %obj.core.longname $= "Dodge")

Added second player get state check to make sure its not passed to the Shield, if the player is dead.
if((%obj.core.longname $= "Shield" || %obj.core.longname $= "Dodge") && (%player.getState() !$= "Dead"))
%damage = %obj.core.damageShield(%obj, %damage, %damageType,%sourceObject.player);


To update on this, the bug is caused when you use shield core, and then get chained to death. For example, rocket them until they're near 20%, get close, have them use shield, and then chain them away. That'll cause the bug. It happens on all maps, and you need shield in order to be "ghost".