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Legions Developer
Ok, so a lot of this happens around my 'friendship group', and for some reason people find it hilarious? I mean, ok, funny the first time, but constantly? Really? I don't understand, am I the only one who just thinks, "Wow, you have a *danced* up mind to come up with that."?


King of all Goblins
To my knowledge, "frape" is a portmanteau of "Facebook" and "rape", which usually describes the act of posting "funny" or "incriminating" stuff on someone elses Facebook profile (usually creative and witty stuff like "I'm gay."). FB smurfing if you will. I never understood how that could evolve into a "thing". Why? Because you have to be *dancing* stupid to become a victim of that.

Get a *dancing* working password and log out after you're done, moronic dimwits.


Legions Developer
The only time I got fraped, was when somebody went into my bedroom and onto my pc, and I leave my facebook on auto-login, so they had direct access.


Legions Developer
You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. But you can't always trust what comes up.


yah, I have my fb on auto login and my homepage, but noone has access to my comp unless I let them

O_O no-one!!!


World Leader of The 21st Century
I am just gonna go ahead and lock this to prevent derailment... Take it in stride bro. You'd laugh your ass off if you did it to someone else.
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