Desert Camo


Just to test a few things out, I basically re-hue'd the snow-skin, with one or two other changes and the result was pretty good.
View attachment 575 View attachment 576

I might go back and change some of the more bluey areas to a different colour, but I'm not sure which colour yet.
Also keep in mind that I haven't done the helmets yet.

All in all, for something that took 5 minutes, it's a pretty good result.

Oh and if you think it's more of a green than yellow, you shouldn't have let the colourblind person do it. I think it looks very deserty (at least on the different light that zenith has)

Edit: and yes i have been told it does apparently look pea green.

I'm not trying to be an ass here, but what colors are you color blind with do you know?
I'm red-green colourblind, but that means that I also have difficulty with colours that are a combination of something else + red/green, as i don't know which other thing is added. For example, Pink and Purple look the same for me.