After clicking Join my screen stays at "Connecting"

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My game has worked fine over the past few months. Idk what is going on.... When I click to join, it will stay at the connecting screen for longer than usual. The gray bar not showing up until some time later. I can always click leave and then try to rejoin, but it still takes ages. IDK what it is.


If my computer suddenly feels slower than usual, I'd start with a virus scan.

Also, how's your internet recently? If it's slow it can take a really long time to join a game. Do you tend to spike in games? If your ping is stable, I'd start with a virus scan (just to be safe, at the very least)


Oh.. I didnt consider a virus scan.. I am at a place that has very fast internet. Were talking 2mb per second downloads. I guess I better scan.


Windows 7, Intel Duo Processor @ 2.2GHz, Intel Mobile Chipset; OpenGL. These are fine. When I first downloaded I could play just fine and that was months ago. This has just started only a few days ago.

I did the virus scan last night; nothing was found.

After a wipe of the files and an update from the launcher, it seems to be working fine. I guess some of the things I had may have somehow caused it. Idk


Flatulent Cherub
All's well that ends well.

Just a note: Intel Mobile Chipsets are not supported by Legions: Overdrive. While they can power the game, reliability can be questionable. Whether this was the cause of your issues, who knows, but something to keep in mind.
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