a Sonar/scanner.


Wouldn't it help skii'ing if there would be a sonar/scanner? It would show the shapes of the ground and buildings more accurately with an electronic mesh. Showing the mesh in front of you... It could be switched off and the other players would notice you better if you have it on. In some way... :D The helmets visor would have an electronic interface...


Well i think if you play enough you get enough experience to know the maps, routes and hills. Than you won't need such a scanner and for new players it wouldn't make it that much easier because even if you see the shapes in front of you you still have to know how you can react on it. You still need to improvise and that is what you learn by playing.


Well i think if you play enough you get enough experience to know the maps, routes and hills. Than you won't need such a scanner and for new players it wouldn't make it that much easier because even if you see the shapes in front of you you still have to know how you can react on it. You still need to improvise and that is what you learn by playing.

I was thinking about the night play too. If it's very dark, it would help... It could work together with a night vision nicely. :)


Well there where "night" maps like Quarry and they where still bright enough to see everything ;p

If there will be a night play mode, the maps would be quite dark. I guess... (There is a Suggestion thread of the night play, if you haven't noticed it.)


ChainU: As much as I like seeing new entousiastic (finnish) persons suggesting new ideas in the forums, it's still too soon to come up with boatload of new ideas. Let's see what the first release looks like and THEN start suggesting how to improve it.

As Nvidia pointed out, none of the old players would use it because they know the maps well enough, thus rendering the feature as mere *ooh, shiny!* cosmetics.


ChainU: As much as I like seeing new entousiastic (finnish) persons suggesting new ideas in the forums, it's still too soon to come up with boatload of new ideas. Let's see what the first release looks like and THEN start suggesting how to improve it.

As Nvidia pointed out, none of the old players would use it because they know the maps well enough, thus rendering the feature as mere *ooh, shiny!* cosmetics.

Got it... One guy already said that night maps aren't really going to happen.


i remember in tribes you had to learn the map and it wasnt handed to you and when someone was good you went, wow that person has skill. games now are just about stupid people that cant think or play a map a few times. lets have autoaim to help the 3 year old be useful too.