10th Memorial of 9/11

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stinky bear
Just adding my story, I was in some grade, probably 2nd or 3rd and I was watching lady and the tramp and I was like "*dance* yeah this movie is awesome" and I'm getting into the movie. A few minutes later errrrrbody is like, go home and I'm like wtf I'm watching the movie and then my mom came and I just went home. As soon as I got home I was pretty happy because I could eat my lunch, BEFORE LUNCH and WE GOT OUT OF SCHOOL. So I ate my lunch and watched the news for a few minutes and then went to go play pokemon, call me cold but things like that didn't really matter to me.


World Leader of The 21st Century
Not sure I like the direction of some of the posts in this thread. Don't need to criticize people for what they were doing [during this event] when they were 8 years old. Will be monitoring.


I really didn't know what 2nd or 3rd grade were, American class years? I take that back.
Simple google search... But yes, Grade 2 and Grade 3 are in the age groups of 5-8 years old depending on the start of the school year. It's kind of no wonder why people like myself didn't understand what it was back then.


I hope that all people lost life in this tragedy may now be in a better Place/world... without hate and avarice.


Nah. That place is only for mormons. Rest of the religions are wrong.
Thank you south park.

And it's true. "Terrorism", isn't what kills Americans, clogged arteries, now that's terrorism.

That's also probably why it's such a big deal/event. It's like the one of few acts of "Terrorism" on America.


It has come to my attention that the Legions community really needs some work. As much as I hate to rant here, I think I need to get a point across. Hopefully, there are people who will actually listen to me and open their eyes when I say this:


For me to post a thread mourning over 9/11 and see trolls happily doing their thing long enough for a mod to lock the thread is disrespectful, immature, and just simply wrong. IT'S WRONG. I knew the risk I'd be taking to post the thread, but I hoped that the thread wouldn't have to be locked due to excessive trolling/flaming. I tried to reroute the discussion to something more subjective to get conspiracy out of the thread because I trusted in the community to sympathize instead of criticize. I see comments in that thread that don't even make sense, and because of that the thread had to be locked. And Gheist is right; the hypocricy in that thread made me sick as well.

Of course, there has been more than one occasion in the past when the community has gotten me furious, and although one outburst of mine ended up contributing to the locking of a thread, it was for good reason. One told me that I should never post any of my certain beliefs and expect to get away unopposed. The irony, however, is that the social norm of this community (excluding several people I know) tends to have a common bias on ideas that shouldn't even be discussed in the forums but make their way into them anyway. So a total jerk could get away with posting something foolish and heartless, and it wouldn't matter until someone else speaking for righteousness tries to right this wrong and fails due to moderation regulations and discouragement from the community. To those who are actually reasonable, I hope you all have realized this at some point and thought about why this community continually gets people who are drawn away from it.

It's sad, to be completely honest with you all. I feel bad for the moderators who deal with all the crap they deal with. If they didn't have lives, the moderation would be much stricter I suppose. They could keep on deleting all the hurtful comments and remind people to talk civilly and intelligently. However, they are only human, and as much as I didn't want my thread to die out, there had to be an end to all the stupidity. So thanks for your effort, but it's not enough to keep me here.

So with that, it's time for me to say goodbye. I'll still play Legions, since I like the game and have a duty to fulfill for 57th. As for the forums, I may pop in here and there, maybe to post more songs in Dacil's music thread or to answer any questions about the Mac workaround, but I will NOT waste any more time dealing with people who obsessively troll and ruin everything for the sensible people. I will say this one more time: If Legions is going to grab any positive attention in the future, then


So thanks for the memories. This is Romance, signing out.


Flatulent Cherub
Merged Romance's 'goodbye' post to this thread to give some context to the farewell post, and to prevent further flamebait/trolling.
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