Search results

  1. Kissyface_r0x

    Ignorance - The downfall of Legions

    A recent in-game conversation has rekindled my frustration with this community regarding pickup games and has brought me to the conclusion that I am quitting pickups. My initial question was, what makes one map better than another? They are all different and I see a fun, new, and exciting...
  2. Kissyface_r0x

    The 2nd best day of your lives.

    Guess who turned 18 today biotchess??! Thiss guyy right hurr Mmmm time for lotttsss of gambling, drugs and alcohol ;)... Along with rubbing my age in freeman and ucans puny wittle 17 year old faces <3 And a warning to all you legionares out there: Now that i'm an adult, I think it's safe to say...
  3. Kissyface_r0x

    The best day of your lives

    Mark your callenders and set your alarm clocks boys. Keep your pants on ladies. Saturday, January 8th... Kissyfacer0x returns... Probably. (new comp)