Recent content by Uncannyguy

  1. Uncannyguy


    That is true maus. The major problem with this is we have no idea how many people will be playing L:O so it's hard to estimate clan limits and whatnot.
  2. Uncannyguy

    Clan Tags.

    This is a great idea. Worked really well in the battlefield games and I can imagine the headaches it would save people, especially if stats tracking is going to happen.
  3. Uncannyguy


    How about having a maximum amount of members per clan? Something like twice the minimum, so that clans will fill up and therefore choices will be limited to clans that are "open". Could augment the reputation idea for smaller clans having more chance of becoming active.
  4. Uncannyguy

    Anyone here play Battlefield Heroes?

    I played it when it first came out, found it ripe with bugs/exploits/hacks. Anyone playing it now that can say it's better? Need something to pass the time before legions.
  5. Uncannyguy

    Currently Listening To...

    Loves me some prog metal.
  6. Uncannyguy

    Legions FAQ

    Even though that means I wasted ten dollars back in the day, I'm pretty glad about this part. Any chance of using skin mods?
  7. Uncannyguy

    Legions Returns...

    Best news of the day; possibly even the year. Been going through withdrawal for a long time now.