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Elite Pro Mapmaker
EDIT: DERP didnt read the text in the posts, the large videos get in the way :p

Anyway, hope this stuff is included (some may be well known, but hell, here we go!)

Oldie but a goodie, have a 7 minute version that stands above even this one. Its the same, just longer:

Ravers on Dope (aka Global Deejays, aka Rave Allstars)

dunno why they put the video, buuuut
Ravers on Dope (aka Global Deejays, aka Rave Allstars)

Boys Noize

Zombie Nation(Original Song)

DJs @ Work

More to post later


shaska's bff

It was meant for you my honey bunny! Even though the world is burning, even though you can buy a greek bank with 3.5 billion euros, even though I have this strong urge to scratch my crotch right now, my heart skips a beat - and all for you!!!!!!!!!!11111